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Last week, Air Canada rolled out a limited-time Aeroplan Status Extension offer to help eligible members maintain their current Aeroplan Elite Status until December 31, 2024. The offer was highly targeted, and like clockwork, popular forums were abuzz with half-cooked theories between the haves and have-nots. I contacted Air Canada for an official response to clarify this offer’s criteria, timing and intended audience. It was an exercise in expectation setting as I had started to hear directly from readers who were puzzled about their non-inclusion and Elite members who had done the hard yards earlier in the year and were now miffed at the airline for making status extensions easier for others.
Aeroplan Status Extension – Until December 31, 2024
Unlike previous years, not all Aeroplan members are eligible for this status extension offer. This offer is exclusively targeted to Select Aeroplan Elite members who are also primary cardholders of an eligible Aeroplan co-branded credit card. Although the emails were sent on September 22, the offer is valid from September 1, 2023, at 00:01 EST, and October 31 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EST.
To qualify for this offer, targeted members must earn at least 10,000 Aeroplan points from eligible Aeroplan Co-Branded Credit Card purchases (net of returns) during the offer period. Eligible Earn includes base and category accelerator earnings of Aeroplan points on your eligible Aeroplan Co-Branded Credit Card but excludes welcome, acquisition, campaign, or conversion points.
If you hold more than one eligible Aeroplan Co-Branded Credit Card, you can accumulate the Eligible Earn across all your cards to reach 10,000 points. However, the offer will be awarded only once per eligible Aeroplan member (primary cardholder who received the offer email).

Hat-tip to Tony (Million Miler) for sharing his offer with PMB
Aeroplan Status Extension – Air Canada’s official response
As mentioned, I had reached out to Air Canada for an official response, specifically on the qualifying criteria of the offer, timeline, and if other Elite members could hope to see status extension offers as well. To which they responded with;
I can confirm that this was an exclusively targeted to members who meet a specified criterion. Several factors are considered when we undertake a targeted campaign: historical loyalty, tenure, engagement profile, and geography. So if a member was not the intended recipient of this offer by email, I can confirm that they are not eligible. It’s effective from Sept 1, meaning points earned the first few weeks of Sept will count towards the offer. But we are not extending the validity period.
Aeroplan’s official response provides valuable insights into the exclusive nature of the special status extension offer and what it means for Aeroplan members who did not receive it. Let’s delve into what this response signifies for members, particularly those who may have missed out:
- The response clarifies that the offer was exclusively targeted to a specific group of members who meet specific criteria. This means that not all Aeroplan members were included in this promotion, even if they hold Elite Status.
- The criteria for targeting members include historical loyalty, tenure, engagement profile, and geography. These factors collectively determined the eligibility of members for this offer.
- Historical loyalty implies that Aeroplan considered its members’ long-term commitment and loyalty, including factors like the years a member has been actively engaged within Aeroplan’s eco-system. Longer-standing members may have been given preference in this offer as a gesture of appreciation for their loyalty over the years.
- Engagement profile could include factors like how frequently a member uses the Aeroplan Co-Branded Credit Cards and the $ spent on flights taken with Air Canada.
- It’s possible that Aeroplan targeted members in specific geographic areas where they are looking to boost participation or engagement.
And yet, I am seeing several data points on the profiles of members targeted for this offer campaign, which do not align with the criteria listed above. While it may be disappointing for members who did not receive the offer, it’s an opportunity to reflect on their engagement with the program. For those that received the email – yay you – an easy 10,000 points from eligible purchases on Aeroplan Credit Card will extend the Aeroplan Elite Status until the end of 2024.
What are your thoughts on Air Canada’s official response? Share with a comment below.
Late to the discussion here. In the end…AC will do what it wants and we’ll all toe the line as there is really no alternative. Time to start looking for status match offers from OneWorld or Skyteam alliance carriers. I’ve been an Aeroplan member longer than I can remember and SE for almost every year. Did not get the offer. Seems like AC is wanting to attract credit card spenders more than people that actually buy AC issued tickets. Almost as if Aeroplan was a different company again and loyalty to AC was not a top priority.
I still don’t know if I should buy this 499CAD to keep my 35k. The only thing I’m interested in are eupgrade and priority rewards.
Since I have the TD Aéroplan privilege, would it make sense to pay those 499 to Aircanada or I’m better with keeping my TD CC?
In order words, does anyone know if I buy this bump up to keep my 35k, I will either keep the eupgrade in my balance (since those eupgrade will disappear on January 16th 2024)?
Buying the bump is not connected to the expiration of Eups. They will expire Jan 16th regardless. The only way to get roll over E-ups is to get the premium credit card. Same with Priority rewards, they will expire on the set date. You can book a full year out with them, so make sure you use it before the stated expire date.
Apologies p, I should have specified my offer is that I pay an amount for the extension, it is not related to credit card purchase
Eups and Prioirty rewards wont extend if you purchase the status bump for cash. But you will get to select your benefits again in the new year. Only premium credit card can extend your eups (up to 55). You can book your travel and use priority reward for a year out.
I’ve just received the offer. Question I have if I buy the extension do I still keep my eupgrades and priority rewards? Can’t seem to find the answer to that. Does anyone know for sure?
Unfortunately I didn’t receive the promo despite having several AP CC’s and 35k. It’s frustrating that it was select people only with no clear criteria. Ive seen DP from people that had already earned status for next year and were targeted. Last year’s similar promo was more equitably applied. It’s left a sour taste in many peoples mouthes.
It’s not simply get 10k points between sept 1 and oct 31. It’s have 10k points deposited by the credit card spend by end of day Oct 31st. Problem is if your credit card posts at end of month…a few days to appear at aeroplan you are out of luck. I only had 2k points for Sept just deposited. I could spend and get a million points in Oct but wouldn’t matter as all those points arrive nov 2 or 3 to aeroplan. It should be all eligible purchases by Oct 31st not deposited to aeroplan from your card.
I’m an SE MM CIBC VIP Card. I am at about 250,000 SQM and $15,000 SQD. I have had a very difficult year with Aeroplan taking months ( more than 6 for many) to post bonus miles for SE status, promo miles and rollover miles, still waiting for July flights with no undated to my email months ago. Rollover miles and Eupgrades took more than 6 months to post. Many more issues and YYC flight cancellation issues. Got no offer at a time when I’m not feeling very loyal.
The more I learn about this offer, the less happy I am. I am seriously considering moving all my non-Air Canada spend away from the premium credit card since obviously they don’t care to reward my engagement with the program.
I am an elite member >20 years and I have held SE status for 8 of those years. Last year, I earned my SE status organically only to find out after I had flown the miles and spent the $, I could have gotten status through spending. I have a very expensive American Express Aeroplan card and last year I spent the $25K to get the companion pass. This year I have already qualified for SE based on miles 105K mainly due to rollover miles from last year, but I have not spend the $. There are a variety of reasons for this- AC stranding me in Europe and I had to take other Airlines to get home thus refunded tickets. Multiple tickets to Hawaii (7) refunded due to fires, numerous cancelled flights where I got refunds and flew other carriers. Add that to family/health issues and I am short $. Just before this promotion was announced I booked 4
J class Europe round trips, which would have secured status. Then European Airlines put the tickets on sale and I could get the same roundtrip tickets for less than 3K- no need to fly AC. When I found out I was not targeted, I cancelled my J travel and booked on other carriers. It has been impossible to get into lounges and get help from a Concierge this year so I was hoping that the SE would be culled a bit this year. I will be cancelling my American Express Card and I am cashing in my miles and draining benefits in preparation to say goodbye to AC. I will still have 75K status but the program has been so diluted that SE and priority rewards are the real benefits. I have lounge access E50K for life as I have MM status. I get most of the perks with a J class ticket without any commitment to AC. This year I could have really benefitted from this promotion and it would have done a lot to secure my loyalty. I think this is a PR disaster for AC! They have ticked off their most loyal customers. Those that qualified the hard way and the very substantial loyal customers that were probably not targeted because AC thought they could count on our business without the promotion. I know a handful of very loyal SE who for similar reasons could have benefitted and without exception we feel the sting of this promotion.
Thanks for sharing Denise. That’s a lot of engagement for you to miss out on the offer. And agree that a lot of the benefits that come with status overlap with J tkt access. Concierge team is the only thing (and its a big one) I will miss about being SE.
One of the reasons I obtained a VIP card was to get the best deals and offers available for Aeroplan members. If I’m not getting access to some promotions, then it really makes me question why I should continue to pay the premium credit card annual fee.
I am secretly hoping that Aeroplan will surprise us all and share something for all members soon. Foolishly hopeful.
I am 75k for a few years including having just qualified organically again for it this year. I hold a aeroplan vip card for almost 8 years now. I did not receive the offer. Similarly my 35k family members with aeroplan cc did not receive the offers. Yet amongst friends who had zero organic fiend and minimal interaction with AP this year received the offer. It seems that air Canada has targeted the less loyal people this year in an attempt to bolster their participation rather than rewarding those of us who have demonstrated loyalty. I’ve yet to find a contradictory data point to this observation (over twenty DP so far)
Similar story here, But to be even more confusing. I did not receive the offer, but My Wife living in our same household has received this offer. Both of Us are primary Cardholders. I have been a Aeroplan Member since 1991, She since 2011. I am currently 75k, She is 35k(gifted). I usually spend 20-40k per month on the card, She about $1-2K. She travels exclusively on Our Points. I spend $5K to $12k a year on Cash trips. I can confirm that my wife has not paid for a cash trip since 2013. I have also had a co-branded card of some type since 1996. My Wife since 2013
I wonder if they had a “quota” for each elite tier to target members..which would explain some of the misaligned data points.
This would make some sense…In which case they will succeed if their target is to increase mid-tier status – they will get some folks upping their status, and some ppl like me downing their status/spend next year into mid-tier. I feel like the monkey with the cucumber..except I did not even get a cucumber!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KSryJXDpZo This is what I think of AC’s latest promo..except I didn’t even get a cucumber, so can’t even throw that at them.
l” Although the emails were sent on September 22, the offer is valid from September 1, 2023, at 00:01 EST, and October 31 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EST.”
this I cannot understand. why not send the email August 22nd so members have a full 2 months to qualify.
Almost sounds like someone in marketting dropped the ball somewhere on Aeroplan’s end with the email being sent out late. Thats just my take.
With most promos i have been targetted for I am told either on the day the promo starts or a few days prior…. not 22 days into the promo.
I wish I had a counterpoint for this, but I don’t. Does not come across as the best-managed promo 🙂
I think this is to avoid the common “but I just spent XXX on Y yesterday! complaint- I think it’s been somewhat common for aeroplan promo periods to extend to somewhat earlier than when the promo is announced.
Air Canada continues to demonstrate that they have no interest in respecting long-term membership or loyalty. I have been a member since it’s Inception have held Super Elite status for over 10 consecutive years, help help lower level status for at least 20 years but have not flown much on Air Canada recently due to the horrid service received the past 5 to 10 years. I still have managed to achieve 50k status with credit card purchases predominantly and some flying. I hold two credit cards in Canada including the AMEX Aeroplan black card which is $600 per year. I also hold an American Chase Aeroplan card. I did not receive an invitation not that it would have mattered because my loyalty is based on One World Travel for quite some time now because I get consistent quality service.
Thanks for sharing, Greg – I agree that consistency in service standards is a real struggle. AC executives will be on the PMB livestream this weekend (Sep 30), and we will discuss several such feedback on loyalty and service elements. Keep an eye out for this space; I will share the details on joining the stream soon.