Get your Credit Score for free

by Anshul
a credit report with a approved stamp

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I stumbled upon a sponsored video on my Facebook feed about a free credit report from Equifax’s new partner, Borrowell. A quick search about this deal indicated that the company could be trusted and the deal with Equifax is legit. Under this partnership, Borrowell is offering Canadians a chance to get their credit score through Equifax for free! This service costs $24 CAD  if done directly through Equifax.

Getting your Credit Score

This check through Borrowell is considered a ‘soft pull’ and will not hurt your score. You can create your account and proceed using this link . Note that this service provides only your credit score and not a detailed report.


Once you create an account, confirm your email and verify your identity (identity verification questions provided by Equifax), an easy to read result and graphic are provided on screen.



Sample Credit Score

Sample Credit Score

Major HT to reader Meg, who pointed out that this deal did not work for residents of Quebec. Unfortunate that Borrowell advertises their service for ‘Canadians’ on CBC but does not include Quebec. At the time of registration if I pick Quebec as the province, the following message pops up;

Borrowell Quebec

Take Away

This is an easy way to save $24 CAD. I recommend checking your credit score at least once a year to keep on top of your credit worthiness. For a detailed report of your credit history, you can order a credit report directly via Equifax. Who knew sponsored links on Facebook could ever be helpful πŸ˜‰ – The link to the video (and source of this post) can be found here.



Meg July 18, 2016 - 3:06 pm

*Doesn’t work for Quebec residents

Bling July 19, 2016 - 7:40 am

Oops – Thanks for letting me know Meg. Will add a note to the post. Consider moving?..kidding! πŸ™‚


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